Curry Warehouses – Q3 Updates

Welcome to Q3 Updates of the Curry Warehouses! We’re excited to share some of the highlights from the past quarter, including exciting new developments and ongoing achievements.

Management Retreat

In July, Curry Warehouses’ management team embarked on a two-day company retreat. This retreat served as a valuable opportunity to strategize and set the course for the future of the company. The focus was on improvements across the board to better serve our clients.

HR Updates

We’re happy to welcome Maggie Lane as our new Head of HR! With the implementation of Bamboo, our new full-service HR/Payroll software, Maggie will be instrumental in streamlining our HR processes and ensuring a positive employee experience.

Operational Achievements

Curry Warehouses is proud to announce that we’ve surpassed the 1,000,000-pound mark of material processed through our new tolling line every single month this year so far! This achievement speaks to our commitment to efficiency and innovation in the warehousing and processing industry.

Giving Back to the Community

At Curry Warehouses, we believe in giving back to the communities we serve. We’re proud to partner with Downtown PKB for their monthly clean-up efforts. Our team volunteers their time and energy to help keep our downtown area beautiful.

A big thank you to everyone who has already volunteered for this initiative!

We’re looking forward to continuing our partnership with Downtown PKB and making a positive impact in our community.

Looking Ahead

At Curry Warehouses, we are dedicated to providing exceptional service to our clients. We are constantly looking for ways to improve our operations and expand our capabilities. Stay tuned for future announcements about exciting developments and service offerings!

In Conclusion

Thank you for your continued trust and partnership. We at Curry Warehouses are committed to exceeding your expectations. If you have any questions or feedback, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Curry Warehouses – May Updates

Growing, Giving Back, and Celebrating Our Team

Here at Curry Warehouses, May has been a month of exciting developments! We’re expanding our operations, getting involved in the community, and celebrating the incredible members of our team.

Giving Back to Parkersburg

We’re thrilled to announce a new focus on community involvement. Last month, our team volunteered for a downtown cleanup initiative organized by Downtown Parkersburg. A big thanks to everyone who participated! These cleanups are a regular event, and the next one is happening on May 11th, from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM, starting in front of Chams. Learn more and get the next dates at We’re always looking for new ways to give back, so if you know of any local causes or events that align with our values, please let us know!

Expanding Our Capabilities

Exciting news! We kicked off May with the expansion of our facilities by an impressive 56,000 square feet. While the space is still under construction, our team is diligently working to get it operational as soon as possible. This expansion reflects our commitment to continuous growth and allows us to better serve our clients. We’re always exploring new opportunities to enhance our capabilities, so if you have ideas for collaboration, don’t hesitate to reach out!

Employee Spotlight: Paul Hensley

This month, we’d like to shine a light on Paul Hensley, a dedicated and valuable member of our team. Since joining Curry Warehouses, Paul has consistently exemplified a remarkable work ethic and unwavering loyalty. He readily volunteers to help across various departments and tackles new challenges with ease. His dependability, versatility, and positive attitude have earned him the respect of his colleagues and have been instrumental in our company’s success. We’re incredibly grateful for Paul’s dedication and support!

Celebrating Our Team

We’re excited to announce a company-wide get-together in Parkersburg on Saturday, May 4th! This is a great opportunity for our team to connect outside of work and celebrate our achievements together.

Stay Connected!

Want to keep up with all the latest news and updates at Curry Warehouses? We share regular content on our blog, as well as on our Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn accounts. Click the links to follow us!

We’re excited for what the future holds and appreciate your continued support!

Curry Warehouses April Updates

Employee Spotlight: Celebrating Steven Boston and Our Growing Success

In the heart of our organization lies a person whose attributes are nothing short of inspiring. Steven Boston, known for his compassion, patience, open-mindedness, and a positive attitude that is simply infectious, is the focus of this month’s employee spotlight. Steven is not just a leader; he is a companion in the journey of our corporate life, always ensuring that he walks alongside us, never ahead. His innate ability to make everyone feel comfortable and valued makes him an exceptional team member and a joy to work with.

Steven exemplifies respect and equality in his dealings with everyone, making him a paragon of altruism and gratitude. We consider ourselves fortunate to have him on our team, making a significant difference every day.

KPI Spotlights: Milestones and Achievements

Over 1,000,000 Pounds with Tolling

Thanks to our fruitful partnership with Kraton Polymers, we have successfully exceeded the milestone of processing over one million pounds of material consistently each month this year in our relatively new operation. This achievement is not just a number; it’s a testament to our growing capabilities and the trust our partners place in us. We are thrilled to continue this journey, aiming to expand our services and competencies to meet and exceed our customers’ expectations.

Less than 30-Minute Load Times

Achieving an average load time of less than 30 minutes month after month is a feat that we owe to our stellar warehouse team, including Steven Boston, Roger Parker, and Scott Campbell. Their dedication has enabled us to prioritize our incoming trucks efficiently, surpassing the industry standards and setting new benchmarks for success.

Warehouse Space Expansion

We are excited to announce that we have expanded our warehouse capacity by an impressive 56,000 square feet. This expansion is a significant step towards accommodating our growing operations and welcoming new business ventures. We are eager to dedicate this additional space and continue our journey of growth and excellence.

New Partnership: Fits Trailers

Our journey of expansion and improvement continues as we embark on a new partnership with Fits Trailers. This collaboration marks the beginning of a new chapter in our service offerings, providing us with dedicated trailers to meet our operational needs effectively.

Upcoming Events

March Madness Challenge

Our company-wide March Madness challenge is in full swing, with exciting prizes like cash or PTO time up for grabs. Stay tuned for the announcement of the winners next month!

Spring Meetup

Get ready for some fun and networking at our Spring Meetup in May! We’re planning a fantastic event featuring pool and axe-throwing activities. More details will be shared soon, so keep an eye out for updates.

In conclusion, our journey is marked by exceptional individuals like Steven Boston and milestones that reflect our collective hard work and dedication. We are on an exciting path of growth and innovation, and we look forward to sharing more of our journey with you.

A newly constructed processing plant in Davisville allows Curry to offer tolling and repackaging services!

Interior of new production facility in Davisville, WV

In 2021 we began a project to construct a 17,600 square foot facility to provide a space for tolling and repackaging operations. The project is now complete and already a valuable asset to our operation.

This facility has a great many exciting features that make it the perfect addition to our Davisville site. These features include: 1000 amps of 3-phase 480v power, 50 foot-candle lighting for fine manufacturing along with 4-foot-tall sun panels along the east and west eaves of the building, 25-foot-high low eaves, a full sprinkler system, a capable testing laboratory, and two 12-foot-wide passageways making movement of materials to and from the existing warehouse effortless.

Within the first quarter of 2023, equipment will be delivered, installed, and immediately put to work! Our custom-designed equipment line is perfectly suited for all types of dry products. Our line integrates repackaging, deblocking, screening, dusting, and metal detection/deflection into one high-output process, eliminating the need to move materials between modular pieces of equipment. Call us today to learn more about our new facility and services!

Wincore staying put at Staunton plant

After a great deal of planning and research, Wincore has decided to stay put in our Route 47 facilities. That means that there will be no Wincore plant in Davisville for the foreseeable future. It’s not the greatest news, but the decision was made with a great deal of thought, and it was the right decision. It demonstrates why planning and research is so important. Moving would have been the wrong thing for them to do based on all the data and projections. Above all else, we want them to survive and thrive.

The (Davisville) facilities will continue to be used for 3PL activities. I am personally excited that we are planning to go green with them. Among the things we are investigating are electric forklifts and solar panels. I know “going green” is just a buzzphrase, but I love the idea and have a personal interest in technology. Perhaps the cost-benefit for solar isn’t quite there for our region, but we have a lot of roof space and I can tell you that there is a lot of energy up on that roof. Try walking on it in mid-day without a bottle of water. It seems to me like allowing that heat to dissipate away is just a waste. Like Elon Musk said: “I could either watch it happen or be a part of it”. I want to be part of it. So does Nick (my son and the company VP).

Similar facility with Solar panels covering the roof.